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Long Scarf: Rutilated Quartz, Alexander County, North Carolina, Original Color

Long Scarf: Rutilated Quartz, Alexander County, North Carolina, Original Color

Regular price $23.00 USD
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Fluid and beautiful draped scarves are the perfect way to dress up any outfit and wear art where you go.

Quartz:  Rutilated, , Alexander County, North Carolina, USA, Circa 1905,  Original  Color, Long Scarf

Rutilated quartz is a type of quartz that contains needle-like inclusions of rutile, a mineral composed of titanium dioxide. Rutile can have different colors, such as gold, red, silver, or black, depending on the amount of iron oxide present. Rutilated quartz is valued for its unique appearance and its metaphysical properties.


Rutilated quartz has the following physical and chemical properties:


- Chemical formula: SiO2 (quartz) + TiO2 (rutile)

- Crystal system: Trigonal

- Hardness: 7 on the Mohs scale

- Color: Colorless (quartz) with various colors of rutile inclusions

- Luster: Vitreous (glass-like)

- Transparency: Transparent to opaque

- Refractive index: 1.54-1.55

- Density: 2.66 g/cm3

- Birefringence: 0.009 (quartz)


Rutilated quartz is found in many places around the world, such as Brazil, Madagascar, Russia, and the United States. One of the most famous sources of rutilated quartz is Alexander County, North Carolina, US. This one was found circa 1905 and is in collection of Tommy Armstrong. The rutilated quartz from this locality has a reddish golden color and is known for its original color and high quality.


Rutilated quartz is believed to have various mystical properties, such as:


- Enhancing intuition and psychic abilities

- Cleansing and energizing the aura and chakras

- Amplifying the power of other crystals and stones

- Attracting good luck and abundance

- Promoting personal growth and transformation

- Relieving anxiety, depression, and stress

- Healing physical, emotional, and spiritual issues


Rutilated quartz is a beautiful and powerful stone that can be used for jewelry, meditation, healing, and more. It is a stone of integration that can help you connect with your higher self and the divine.


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